
Feburuary 8th Friday 2008

1. What did you learn in this class this semester?
I learned British culture, about world news many English word and Christmas in England in this class.
2. Make sure all your blog entries are up to date. I will check all your blogs this evening. Your blogs show me what you learned this semester.
3. To pass this class, you must show you learned something.
4. 100% attendance is not enough to pass the class.
5. I will count
1. how many blog posts you wrote
I posted my blog about 13. I wrote.
2. the quality of your blog posts
1. did you answer all the questions?
No, I didn’t all the questions because I can’t understand some questions. And I can’t find the answer on the internet.
2 did you spell-check your work before uploading?
Yes, I checked my spell on the micro soft word before uploading It helped me.
3did you add links, and your own opinion?
Yes, I did add links, and I wrote my opinion. But sometimes I couldn’t do that and to write own opinion was very difficult.
6. If you have time:
1. Read your classmates’ blogs.
2. Blog about them on your blog.
3. Read some of the news items listed in my delicious links.


February 1st Friday

1. Watch the Powerpoint presentation. Write a summary of the key points (in Japanese or English) on your blog.
ワードでスペルチェックする。翻訳機器を使わず、自分の文で書く。質問文を書く。引用部分はしっかり明記する。文書簿コピーは使わない。自分のブログのコメントを読む。 クラス名とのブログにコメントを残す。
2. What is the purpose, objective, of a newspaper company?
To tell so many people world news is a newspaper company’s objective.
3. What is the purpose, objective, of a television company?
To offer so many people many amusement program, serious program and happy program and so on is a television company’s objective.
4. What is the purpose, objective of Yahoo! or Google?
To offer so many people huge information and to get many user is Yahoo!’s objective.
5. The purpose of all the above is to make money. That is the purpose of all these businesses. How do they make money? By getting as many readers or viewers (”eyeballs”) as possible. If their purpose is to get as many readers or viewers or “eyeballs” as possible, then what kind of news will they publish? Give 2 or 3 examples. What kind of news will they not publish? Give 2 or 3 examples.
They will publish news what another company doesn’t have. They will publish news what everyone want to know. They will publish news what a huge of the country.
They will not publish news what everyone don’t want to know. They will not publish news what disadvantage for them.

6. Find a news article in English that interests you, and write about it on your blog. Write a summary of the article, then your thoughts about it, and any interesting English words or expressions or grammar you learned from reading this.
A summary of the article. The frozen “Gyoza” have a bad influence upon many Japanese people because pesticide is into it. So about 400 Japanese people are sick now. The news made me very unhappy, sad, mad, and afraid.
I learned English words “dumplings” “tainted” “pesticide” “switching” “manufactured”.
I learned English expression “Labor and Welfare”
7. Read your classmates’ blogs and comment on them on your own blog.
I read Bell’s blog this is my comment.
Your article is same with me!
It is very terrible isn't it?
I feel get angry when I heard the news.
8. Make sure your blog posts are all up to date. February 8th is the last class! I will use your blog posts to decide your final grade, so make sure your blog posts look great! Impress me!!


2008 january 25th Friday

1 This photo was taken in Baghdad.
2 This photo was taken in on Wednesday April 9th 2003.
3 The people cheer as a statue of Saddam Hussein falls.
4 そこにいた群衆は皆、サダム フセインの像が倒れるのを見て喜びの声を上げた。
5 I think the crowds cheers are about 1,000 people.
1 I think there were about 100people in the square.
2 I think crowds cheer is accurate.
3 I think that the first picture is rebel of citizen to Saddam Hussein.
4 I think that the photo can inform to around the world what the status in Baghdad.
5 I think that the first photo is scary because at first the people supported with Saddam Hussein. I think the second photo is people less than the first photo.

3 I think it is important to know the truth because if I can’t know the truth I can’t know the status.
4 Fist of all, I will get many information. Second, I will ask many people about the news.


2008 january 11th Friday

I’ll talk about my new year’s day.
I went to temple Negoro dera near my house with my friend on January 1st then I ate crab and shrimp with my family at night. Then I ate crab and shrimp with my family at night. On the next day, I went to my grandfather and grandmother’s house and we said “ Happy new year!” then they gave me new year’s gift. It made me happy!!!! On the next day, I went to shopping with my friend. There are many people. I bought many clothes. I was very satisfied.

1Hogmanay is the name for in Scotland.
2The New Year’s Day parade is held in London
3January 3rd is the birth of JRR Tolkien. He is author of Lord of the Ring.
4Junuary 5th is the birthday of Guru Gobind.
This day marks the birth of the tenth and final Sikh prophet-teacher in 1666 C E Guru Gobind Singh introduced many of the customs that Sikhs practice today including the 5 K’s.


2007 December 21 Friday

1) The Nativity Play recreates the scene of Jesus' birth in the stable and tells of how Mary and Joseph were visited by the shepherds and wise men.
2) Caroling ( singing carols in the street ) is one of the oldest customs in Great Britain going back to the Middle Ages when beggars seeking food money or dring would wander the street singing holiday songs.
3) A pantomime is a traditional British Christmas play. They are an important part of our Christmas festivities.
In pantomimes the male roles are often played by women and female roles by men. This makes the audience laugh more.
4) Mince pies are an essential part of Christmas. They are small pies usually between 2 and 3 inches in diameter filled with mincemeat(Minced fruit not meat In the US, mincemeat is known by the more accurate name “fruitmince”.)
Mince Pie
5) Christmas Pudding

6)Christmas Cake

7)The Brussels (or brussels or brussel) sprout (Brassica oleracea Gemmifera Group) is a cultivar group of Wild Cabbage cultivated for its small (typically 2.5 - 4cm, 1 - 1.5 inches diameter) leafy green heads, which resemble miniature cabbages.
Brussels Sprouts

Christmas Photo
Christmas Photo

I think Yuki's blog is the best!!


December 14th 2007

3 The group aiming at release political offenders.
4, 1



2 http://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/area/uzbekistan/index.html
3 This story is sad! because I think someone might try to hush the occurrence.
4 I could find one articles in Google.


12/7/o7 Friday.

1Beowulf  is hero.
This is adventure story.
2 This movie based on epic poem of Beowulf.
3 The middle of 5th century to 12th century.
4 This is old English.
5 ウィキペディアにクリック old English sound.
6 Main character is Beowulf.
It is Denmark. 8th century to 9th century.

7 He died and his soldier buried treasure with him.
8 The director is Robert Zemeckis.
He has directed other movie “Back to the future”.
I had ever seen this movie. I loved it.
9 The main actor is Ray Winstone.
He has been movie “The Deperted”.
I have never seen it.
10 This movie is based on Northern Lights.
                       This is Old English photo from Wikipedia.