
2008 january 25th Friday

1 This photo was taken in Baghdad.
2 This photo was taken in on Wednesday April 9th 2003.
3 The people cheer as a statue of Saddam Hussein falls.
4 そこにいた群衆は皆、サダム フセインの像が倒れるのを見て喜びの声を上げた。
5 I think the crowds cheers are about 1,000 people.
1 I think there were about 100people in the square.
2 I think crowds cheer is accurate.
3 I think that the first picture is rebel of citizen to Saddam Hussein.
4 I think that the photo can inform to around the world what the status in Baghdad.
5 I think that the first photo is scary because at first the people supported with Saddam Hussein. I think the second photo is people less than the first photo.

3 I think it is important to know the truth because if I can’t know the truth I can’t know the status.
4 Fist of all, I will get many information. Second, I will ask many people about the news.

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