
2008 january 25th Friday

1 This photo was taken in Baghdad.
2 This photo was taken in on Wednesday April 9th 2003.
3 The people cheer as a statue of Saddam Hussein falls.
4 そこにいた群衆は皆、サダム フセインの像が倒れるのを見て喜びの声を上げた。
5 I think the crowds cheers are about 1,000 people.
1 I think there were about 100people in the square.
2 I think crowds cheer is accurate.
3 I think that the first picture is rebel of citizen to Saddam Hussein.
4 I think that the photo can inform to around the world what the status in Baghdad.
5 I think that the first photo is scary because at first the people supported with Saddam Hussein. I think the second photo is people less than the first photo.

3 I think it is important to know the truth because if I can’t know the truth I can’t know the status.
4 Fist of all, I will get many information. Second, I will ask many people about the news.


2008 january 11th Friday

I’ll talk about my new year’s day.
I went to temple Negoro dera near my house with my friend on January 1st then I ate crab and shrimp with my family at night. Then I ate crab and shrimp with my family at night. On the next day, I went to my grandfather and grandmother’s house and we said “ Happy new year!” then they gave me new year’s gift. It made me happy!!!! On the next day, I went to shopping with my friend. There are many people. I bought many clothes. I was very satisfied.

1Hogmanay is the name for in Scotland.
2The New Year’s Day parade is held in London
3January 3rd is the birth of JRR Tolkien. He is author of Lord of the Ring.
4Junuary 5th is the birthday of Guru Gobind.
This day marks the birth of the tenth and final Sikh prophet-teacher in 1666 C E Guru Gobind Singh introduced many of the customs that Sikhs practice today including the 5 K’s.