
World News B October 26th Friday

1,Gavoments give our some money in a month.
2, My house is more near school.
3,Hanshin Tigers championship


News URL
My comment:
I think that NOVA corp.has to pay salary for staff .
And they has to return fee to their students because they can't lecture on English for students
any more.
I think that this company is very irresponsible.

I visited blog Mintonton.
My comment:
I think that Kameda's father has to apologize to Mr. Naito represent in his family.


World News B 2007 October 19th

1 freedom.  自由          
2 tower.    塔
3 creative.  創造
4 unique.  特有の
5 individual 単一の
6group    集団
7integrity   正直さ
8 compromise  妥協
9 beauty   美しさ
10 independent  独立した

My favorite words rating.

1freedom.  自由
2beauty   美しさ
3independent  独立した
4integrity   正直さ
5group    集団
6compromise  妥協
7unique.  特有の
8creative.  創造
9tower.    塔
10individual 単一の

Our World News Blogs are all completely public. What do you think about this? Do you prefer some privacy, or is it ok to be completely public?”

I think that it's ok to be completely public.

1 I am a person with supernatural power.

2 The clothes which I want I can get all of them.

3 Shoin university is very kind to me.

1 Internet substitute for boyfriend and girlfriend in US.

2 http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20071025-00000293-reu-ent

3 summary of content:
Young American people use their internet substitute for boyfriend and girlfriend.
This news was publish by Reuters on October 24th.

4 1 Because My theme is American cultures.
2 Yes, It is useful information for me. I found what young American people thinking about internet.
3 Young American people use their internet for their studies.


2007 10 12 Fly

1 I want more delicious foods.
2 I want to school to be two times bigger than now.
3 Some times I go shopping with my mother and friends.
I often buy many clothes and pair of boots for winter.
4 I want to my home town to be a big city.
5 I want to a lot of foreign people come to Japan.
6 I want to my country to be two times bigger than now.
Japanese people should be sociable.I studied new English vocabulary.I love these sites because they are interesting and I can study English.

Japanese kidnapped by bandits in Iran

2 Yes, it is !

3 All Japanese people and his family.

4 Because the kidnapped man is Japanese.

5Yes, it dose.

6We can know situation of Iran.

7Yes, I could. I use this information to improve my life.


1 ¥552 million Myanmar aid project nixed
Japan hits junta over crackdown, Nagai death


2Yes,it is

3All Japanese people.

4Because Mr.Nagai is Japanese people.

5No. it dosen't


7 I 'll use this information to improve the life of my family and my friend's life.


1 Unions want Nova, president indicted over payroll delays.


2 Yes, it is.

3 It is student and teacher of NOVA.

4Because they suffered heavy losses.

5Yes,it dose.

6NOVA is bad for study English.

7Yes, I could.

8For my study English.



I 'm gonna to faucus on life of American and British people.


2007. 10 .5 .Friday

1 I like to chat with my friends in school.

My school 's shop has many delicious foods.

2I don't like scale of my university.

I hope it will be big scale.

3I like home town because my home town has many shopping center.

4I don't like home town because my home town is a little country.

5I like Japan has many place to visit.

I think Japanese people are very kind.

6I don't like Japan because scale is small.

Japanese people are very shy.

8 I visited English - Japanese quiz and Grammar E.

I studied new English vocabrary.
I love these site because these are interesting and I can study English .